Configure or display property values for a fit options object.


a = set(opts)


opts A fit options object
'PropertyName' A property name for opts
PropertyValue A property value supported by PropertyName
PN A cell array of property names
PV A cell array of property values
S A structure with property names and property values
a A structure array whose field names are the property names for opts, or cell array of possible values


set(opts) displays all configurable property values for the fit options object opts. If a property has a finite list of possible string values, then these values are also displayed.

a = set(opts) returns all configurable properties and their possible values for opts to the structure a. The field names of a are the property names of opts, and the field values are cell arrays of possible property values. If the property does not have a finite set of possible values, then the cell array is empty.

set(opts,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) configures multiple property values with a single command.

set(opts,PN,PV) configures the properties specified in the cell array of strings PN to the corresponding values in the cell array PV.

set(opts,S) configures the named properties to the specified values for opts. The structure S has field names given by the fit options object properties, and the field values are the values of the corresponding properties.


Create a custom nonlinear model, and create a default fit options object for the model.

mymodel = fittype('a*x^2+b*exp(n*c*x)','prob','n');
opts = fitoptions(mymodel);

Configure the Robust and Normalize properties using property name/property value pairs.


Configure the Display, Lower, and Algorithm properties using cell arrays of property names and property values.

set(opts,{'Disp','Low','Alg'},{'Final',[0 0 0],'Levenberg'})

See Also

fitoptions, get