Return properties for a fit options object.


a = get(opts)
a = get(opts,'PropertyName')


opts A fit options object
'PropertyName' The name of a fit options property, or a cell array of property names
ftype A structure or cell array of fit options property values


get(opts) returns all property names and their current values to the command line for the fit options object opts.

a = get(opts) returns the structure a where each field name is the name of a property of opts, and each field contains the value of that property.

a = get(opts,'PropertyName') returns the value of the property specified by PropertyName for opts. If PropertyName is replaced by a cell array of strings containing property names, then get returns a cell array of values to a.


Create a fit options object for a second degree polynomial, and return the current property values to the command line.

opts = fitoptions('poly2');

ans = 
    Normalize: 'off'
      Exclude: []
      Weights: []
       Method: 'LinearLeastSquares'
       Robust: 'Off'
        Lower: []
        Upper: []

See Also
