Create or modify a fit options object.


opts = fitoptions
opts = fitoptions('ltype')
opts = fitoptions('ltype','PropertyName',PropertyValue,...)
opts = fitoptions('method',value)
opts = fitoptions('method',value,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...)
opts = fitoptions(opts,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...)
opts = fitoptions(opts,newopts)


'ltype' The name of a library model, spline, or interpolant
'PropertyName' The name of a fit options property
PropertyValue A valid value for PropertyName
'method' Specify a fitting method
value A supported fitting method value
opts, newopts A fit options object


opts = fitoptions creates the empty fit options object opts. The returned options are supported by all fitting methods, and are given by the properties below. Note that curly braces denote default property values.

Property Description
Normalize Specifies whether the data is centered and scaled. The value can be {‘off’} or ‘on’
Exclude A vector of one or more data points to exclude from the fit. You can use the excludedata function to create this vector.
Weights A vector of weights associated with the response data
Method The fitting method. A complete list of supported fitting methods is given below.

opts = fitoptions('ltype') creates a default fit options object for the library or custom fit type specified by ltype. You can display the library model, interpolant, and smoothing spline names with the cflibhelp function.

opts = fitoptions('ltype','PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) creates a fit options object for the specified library fit type, and with the specified property names and property values. Note that you can specify PropertyName or PropertyValue without regard to case, and you can make use of name completion by supplying the minimum number of characters that uniquely identify the string.

opts = fitoptions('method',value) creates a default fit options object for the fitting method specified by value. A complete list of supported fitting methods is given below.

opts = fitoptions('method',value,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) creates a default fit options object for the specified fitting method, and with the specified property names and property values.

opts = fitoptions(opts,'PropertyName',PropertyValue,...) modifies the existing fit options object with the specified property names and property values.

opts = fitoptions(opts,newopts) combines the existing fit options object opts with a new fit options object newopts. If both objects have the same Method value, the nonempty properties in newopts override the corresponding properties in opts. If the objects have different Method values, the output object will have the same Method as opts, and only the Normalize, Exclude, and Weights properties of newopts will override the corresponding properties in opts.

Additional Fit Options

To display the possible fit options property values, use the set function.


To display the current fit options property values, use the get function.


If Method is NearestInterpolant, LinearInterpolant, PchipInterpolant, or CubicSplineInterpolant, there are no additional fit options.

If Method is SmoothingSpline, then the SmoothingParam property is available to configure the smoothing parameter. You can specify any value between 0 and 1. The default value depends on the data set.

If Method is LinearLeastSquares, the additional fit option properties shown below are available.

Property Description
Robust Specifies whether to use the robust linear least squares fitting method. The value can be {‘off’} or ‘on’
Lower A vector of lower bounds on the coefficients to be fitted. The default value is an empty vector indicating that the fit is not constrained by lower bounds. If bounds are specified, the vector length must equal the number of coefficients. An unconstrained lower bound is specified by -Inf.
Upper A vector of upper bounds on the coefficients to be fitted. The default value is an empty vector indicating that the fit is not constrained by upper bounds. If bounds are specified, the vector length must equal the number of coefficients. An unconstrained upper bound is specified by Inf.

If Method is NonlinearLeastSquares, the additional fit option properties shown below are available.

Property Description
Robust Specifies whether to use the robust nonlinear least squares fitting method. The value can be {‘off’} or ‘on’
Lower A vector of lower bounds on the coefficients to be fitted. The default value is an empty vector indicating that the fit is not constrained by lower bounds. If bounds are specified, the vector length must equal the number of coefficients. An unconstrained lower bound is specified by -Inf.
Upper A vector of upper bounds on the coefficients to be fitted. The default value is an empty vector indicating that the fit is not constrained by upper bounds. If bounds are specified, the vector length must equal the number of coefficients. An unconstrained upper bound is specified by Inf.
StartPoint Vector of coefficient starting values. The default value is an empty vector. If the default value is passed to the fit function, then starting points for some library models are determined heuristically. For other models, the values are selected randomly on the interval (0,1).
Algorithm Algorithm used for the fitting procedure. The value can be ‘Levenberg-Marquardt’,’Gauss-Newton’, or {‘Trust-Region’}.
DiffMax Change Maximum change in coefficients for finite difference gradients. The default value is 0.1.
DiffMin Change Minimum change in coefficients for finite difference gradients. The default value is 10-8.
Display Level of display. {‘notify’} displays output only if the fit does not converge. ‘final’ displays only the final output. ‘iter’ displays output at each iteration. ‘off’ displays no output.
MaxFunEvals Maximum number of function (model) evaluations allowed. The default value is 600.
MaxIter Maximum number of fit iterations allowed. The default value is 400.
TolFun Termination tolerance on the function (model) value. The default value is 10-6.
TolX Termination tolerance on coefficients. The default value is 10-6.


Create an empty fit options object and configure the object so that data is normalized before fitting.

opts = fitoptions;
opts.Normal = 'on'

opts =
    Normalize: 'on'
      Exclude: []
      Weights: []
       Method: 'None'

Creating an empty fit options object is particularly useful when you want to configure only the Normalize, Exclude, or Weights properties for a data set, and then fit the data using the same fit options object, but with different fitting methods. For example, fit the census data using a third degree polynomial, a one-term exponential, and a cubic spline.

load census
f1 = fit(cdate,pop,'poly3',opts);
f2 = fit(cdate,pop,'exp1',opts);
f3 = fit(cdate,pop,'cubicsp',opts);

You can return values for some fit options with the fit function. For example, fit the census data using a smoothing spline and return the default smoothing parameter. Note that this value is based on the data passed to fit.

[f,gof,out] = fit(cdate,pop,'smooth');
smoothparam = out.p
smoothparam =


Increase the default smoothing parameter by about 10% and fit again.

opts = fitoptions('Method','Smooth','SmoothingParam',0.0098);
[f,gof,out] = fit(cdate,pop,'smooth',opts);

Create two noisy Gaussian peaks – one with a small width and one with a large width.

a1 = 15; b1 = 3; c1 = 0.02;
a2 = 35; b2 = 7.5; c2 = 4;
x = (1:0.01:10)';
gdata = a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1).^2) + a2*exp(-((x-b2)/c2).^2) ...
    + 5*(rand(size(x))-.5);

Fit the data using the two-term Gaussian library model.

ftype = fittype('gauss2');
gfit = fit(x,gdata,ftype);
Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded. Increasing
MaxFunEvals (in fit options) may allow for a better fit, or 
the current equation may not be a good model for the data.

Since the Display property is set to its default value Notify, a message is included as part of the display since the fit did not converge. The message indicates that you should try increasing the number of function evaluations.

The fit results are shown below.

gfit =
     General model Gauss2:
       gfit(x) =  a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1)^2) + a2*exp(-((x-b2)/c2)^2)
     Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
       a1 =       43.59  (-411.9, 499.1)
       b1 =       7.803  (0.7442, 14.86)
       c1 =       4.371  (-3.065, 11.81)
       a2 =      -10.86  (-373.4, 351.7)
       b2 =       11.05  (-190.4, 212.5)
       c2 =       6.985  (-124.6, 138.5)

By examining the fitted coefficients, it is clear that the algorithm has difficulty fitting the narrow peak, and does a good job fitting the broad peak. In particular, note that the fitted value of the a2 coefficient is negative. To help the fitting procedure converge, specify that the lower bounds of the amplitude and width parameters for both peaks must be greater than zero. To do this, create a fit options object for the gauss2 model and configure the Lower property to zero for a1, c2, a2, and c2, but leave b1 and b2 unconstrained.

opts = fitoptions('gauss2');
opts.Lower = [0 -Inf 0 0 -Inf 0]; 

Fit the data using the new constraints.

gfit = fit(x,gdata,ftype,opts)
gfit =
     General model Gauss2:
       gfit(x) =  a1*exp(-((x-b1)/c1)^2) + a2*exp(-((x-b2)/c2)^2)
     Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
       a1 =          35  (34.82, 35.17)
       b1 =        7.48  (7.455, 7.504)
       c1 =       3.993  (3.955, 4.03)
       a2 =       4.824  (2.964, 6.684)
       b2 =           3  (2.99, 3.01)
       c2 =     0.03209  (0.01774, 0.04643)

This is a much better fit although you can still improve the a2 value.

See Also

cflibhelp, fit, get, set