Evaluate a fit result object or a fit type object.


f = feval(fresult,x)
f = feval(ftype,coef1,coef2,...,x)


fresult A fit result object
x A column vector of values at which fresult or ftype is evaluated
ftype A fit type object
coef1,coef2,... The model coefficients assigned to ftype
f A column vector containing the result of evaluating fresult or ftype at x


f = feval(fresult,x) evaluates the fit result object fresult at the values specified by x, and returns the result to f. You create a fit result object with the fit function.

f = feval(ftype,coef1,coef2,...,x) evaluates the fit type object ftype using the coefficients specified by coef1, coef2,.... You create a fit type object with the fittype function.

You can also evaluate a fit result or a fit type object using the following syntax.

f = fresult(x);
f = ftype(coef1,coef2,...,x);


Create a fit type object and evaluate the object at x using the specified model coefficients.

x = (0:0.1:10)';
ftype = fittype('a*x^2+b*x');
f = feval(ftype,1,2,x);

Create a fit result object and evaluate the object over a finer range in x.

y = x.^2+(rand(size(x))-0.5);
xx = (0:0.05:10)';
fresult = fit(x,y,ftype);
f = feval(fresult,xx);

See Also

fit, fittype