fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype')
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype','PropertyName',PropertyValue,...)
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype',opts)
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype',...,'problem',values)
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,ftype,...)
[fresult,gof] = fit(...)
[fresult,gof,output] = fit(...)
xdata |
A column vector of predictor data |
ydata |
A column vector of response data |
'ltype' |
The name of a library model, spline, or interpolant |
'PropertyName' |
The name of a fit options property |
PropertyValue |
A valid value for PropertyName |
opts |
A fit options object |
'problem' |
Specify problem parameters |
values |
A cell array of problem parameter values |
ftype |
A fit type object |
fresult |
The fit result object |
gof |
Goodness of fit statistics |
output |
A structure containing information that is associated with the fitting procedure |
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype')
fits the data specified by xdata
and ydata
to the library model, interpolant, or smoothing spline specified by ltype
. The fit result is returned to fresult
. You can display the library fit type names with the cflibhelp function. xdata
and ydata
cannot contain Infs or NaNs. Additionally, only the real part of a complex value is used.
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype',PropertyName, PropertyValue,...)
fits the data using the options specified by PropertyName
and PropertyValue
. You can display the fit options available for the specified library fit type with the fitoptions function.
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype',opts)
fits the data using options specified by the fit options object opts
. You create a fit options object with the fitoptions function. This is an alternative syntax to specifying property name/property value pairs.
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,'ltype',...,'problem',values)
assigns values to problem parameters. values
is a cell array with one element per parameter. Problem parameters are problem-dependent constants that you define as part of your model. See the fittype function for more information on problem parameters.
fresult = fit(xdata,ydata,ftype,...)
fits the data to the fit type object specified by ftype
. You create a fit type object with the fittype function.
[fresult,gof] = fit(...)
returns goodness of fit statistics to the structure gof
, which includes the fields shown below.
Field | Description |
sse |
Sum of squares due to error |
rsquare |
Coefficient of determination |
dfe |
Degrees of freedom |
adjrsquare |
Degree-of-freedom adjusted coefficient of determination |
rmse |
Root mean squared error (standard error) |
[fresult,gof,output] = fit(...)
returns the structure output
, which contains information that is associated with the fitting procedure used. Supported fitting procedures include linear least squares, robust nonlinear least squares, and so on. Some information applies to all fitting procedures, while other information is relevant only for specific fitting procedures. For example, the information returned for nonlinear least squares fits is given below.
Field | Description |
numobs |
Number of observations (response values) |
numparam |
Number of unknown parameters to fit |
residuals |
Vector of residuals |
Jacobian |
Jacobian matrix |
exitflag |
Describes the exit condition. If exitflag > 0, the function converged to a solution. If exitflag = 0, the maximum number of function evaluations or iterations was exceeded. If exitflag < 0, the function did not converge to a solution. |
iterations |
Number of iterations used to complete the fit |
funcCount |
Number of function evaluations used to complete the fit |
firstorderopt |
Measure of first-order optimality |
algorithm |
Fitting algorithm used |
or randn
, before fitting.Example
Fit the census data with a second degree polynomial library model and return the goodness of fit statistics and the output structure.
load census
[fit1,gof1,out1] = fit(cdate,pop,'poly2');
Normalize the data and fit with a third degree polynomial.
[fit1,gof1,out1] = fit(cdate,pop,'poly3','Normalize','on');
Fit the data with a single-term exponential library model.
[fit2,gof2,out2] = fit(cdate,pop,'exp1','Normalize','on');
Create a fit options object, and try to find a better fit by overriding the default starting points for the fit coefficients.
opts = fitoptions('exp1','Norm','on','start',[100 0.1]);
[fit3,gof3,out3] = fit(cdate,pop,'exp1',opts);
Fit the data to a custom model that contains the problem parameter, n.
mymodel = fittype('a*exp(b*n*x)+c','problem','n');
opts = fitoptions(mymodel);
[fit4,gof4,out4] = fit(cdate,pop,mymodel,opts,'problem',{2});
Warning: Start point not provided, choosing random start point.
The warning occurs whenever you fit data with a custom nonlinear model and do not provide starting points.