Create a cfit object.


fmodel = cfit(ftype,coef1,coef2,...)


ftype A fit type object representing a custom or library model
coef1,coef2,... The model coefficients
fmodel The cfit object


fmodel = cfit(ftype,coef1,coef2,...) creates the cfit object fmodel based on the custom or library model specified by ftype, and with the coefficients specified by coef1, coef2,.... You create ftype with the fittype function.

cfit is called by the fit function. You should call cfit directly if you want to assign coefficients and problem parameters to a model without performing a fit.


Create a fit type object and assign values to the coefficients and to the problem parameter.

m = fittype('a*x^2+b*exp(n*x)','prob','n');
f = cfit(m,pi,10.3,3);

See Also

fit, fittype