Return descriptive statistics about the data.


xds = datastats(xdata)
[xds,yds] = datastats(xdata,ydata)


xdata A column vector of predictor data
ydata A column vector of response data
xds A structure containing descriptive statistics for xdata
yds A structure containing descriptive statistics for ydata


xds = datastats(xdata) returns statistics for xdata to the structure xds. The structure contains the fields shown below.

Field Description
num The number of data values
max The maximum data value
min The minimum data value
mean The mean value of the data
median The median value of the data
range The range of the data
std The standard deviation of the data

[xds,yds] = datastats(xdata,ydata) returns statistics for xdata and ydata to the structures xds and yds.

xdata and ydata are column vectors of the same size, which contain the fields shown above. Infs or NaNs are ignored, and only the real part of complex data values are used in the statistics computations.


Return data statistics for the census data.

load census
[xds,yds] = datastats(cdate,pop)

xds = 

       num: 21
       max: 1990
       min: 1790
      mean: 1890
    median: 1890
     range: 200
       std: 62.048

yds = 

       num: 21
       max: 248.7
       min: 3.9
      mean: 85.729
    median: 62.9
     range: 244.8
       std: 78.601