Display information about library models, splines, and interpolants.


cflibhelp group


group The name of the fit type group


cflibhelp displays the names, equations, and descriptions for all the fit types in the curve fitting library. You can use the fit type name as an input parameter to the cfit, fit, and fittype functions.

cflibhelp group displays the names, equations, and descriptions for the fit type group specified by group. The supported fit type groups are given below.

Group Description
distribution Distribution models such as Weibull
exponential One-term and two-term exponential equations
fourier Sums of sine and cosine equations up to eight terms
gaussian Sums of Gaussian equations up to eight terms
interpolant Interpolant fit types including linear, nearest neighbor, cubic spline, and
shape-preserving interpolation
polynomial Polynomial equations up to ninth degree
power One-term and two-term power equations
rational Ratios of polynomial equations up to degree 5 in both numerator and denominator
sin Sums of sine equations up to eight terms
spline Cubic spline and smoothing spline fit types


Display the names and descriptions for the spline fit type group.

cflibhelp spline


        SPLINETYPE             DESCRIPTION

        cubicspline            cubic interpolating spline
        smoothingspline        smoothing spline

Display the model names and equations for the polynomial fit type group.

cflibhelp polynomial


        MODELNAME             EQUATION

          poly1                Y = p1*x+p2
          poly2                Y = p1*x^2+p2*x+p3
          poly3                Y = p1*x^3+p2*x^2+...+p4
          poly9                Y = p1*x^9+p2*x^8+...+p10

See Also

cfit, fit, fittype