Integrate a fit result object.


inty = integrate(fresult,x,x0)


fresult A fit result object
x The values at which fresult is integrated
x0 The integration starting point
inty A vector of integration values


inty = integrate(fresult,x,x0) integrates the fit result object fresult at the values specified by x starting from x0, and returns the result to inty. The fresult object is a fit result object generated by the fit function. x is a scalar or column vector and inty is the same size as x. x0 is a scalar.


Create a noisy sine wave on the interval [-2\(\pi\), 2\(\pi\)].

x = (-2*pi:0.1:2*pi)';
y = sin(x) + (rand(size(x))-0.5)*0.2;

Create a custom fit type, and fit the data using reasonable starting values.

ftype = fittype('a*sin(b*x)');
fit1 = fit(x,y,ftype,'startpoint',[1 1]);

Calculate the integral for each value of x starting at -2\(\pi\)

inty = integrate(fit1,x,x(1));

See Also

differentiate, cfit, fit