Images and Figures

Image directive

The image directive allows you to include a simple picture in a document. You specify the URI for the image source file in the directive argument.

The following image options are supported:

  • alt - Alternate text.

  • height - The height of the image in pixels, used to reserve space or scale the image vertically.

  • width - The width of the image in pixels, used to reserve space or scale the image horizontally.

  • scale - The uniform scaling factor of the image. “100” means full-size.

  • class - Set a class attribute value on the image element.

  • align - The alignment of the image. The values top, middle, and bottom control the vertical alignment relative to the text baseline. The values left, center, and right control the horizontal alignment, which allows the image to float so that text can flow around it.

The directive below displays an image from a local Git repository’s _static directory and specifies alternate text.

.. image:: /_static/mandala.jpg
   :alt: Mandala

The image is displayed below.


Figure directive

The figure directive allows you to include a figure in a document. You specify the URI for the figure source file in the directive argument.


A figure consists of image data (including image options), an optional caption (a single paragraph), and an optional legend (arbitrary body elements).

The figure directive supports all the options of the image directive and these additonal options:

  • figwidth - The width of the figure in pixels, to limit the horizontal space used. A special value of “image” is allowed, in which case the included image’s actual width is used.

  • figclass - Set a “class” attribute value on the figure element.

The directive below displays an image from a local Git repository’s _static directory, scales the image to 50%, aligns it to the right, and specifies alternate text. Additonally, a caption is specified.

.. figure:: /_static/mandala.jpg
        :scale: 50
        :align: right
        :alt: Mandala

        The mandala has various interpretations.

The image is displayed below. Note that since the image is floated right, the text flows around it.


The mandala has various interpretations.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin lobortis risus ullamcorper, tincidunt nibh sed, cursus mauris. Pellentesque ultrices mattis lectus efficitur laoreet. Aliquam non dapibus ex, eu dictum sapien. Duis id eros quis eros placerat tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phasellus ac pharetra justo. Mauris in maximus augue. Integer scelerisque varius nisl, nec pharetra lorem fermentum convallis. Proin tempus turpis sapien, in commodo nisi ornare eget. Vestibulum feugiat magna sed dolor tempor.

Donec imperdiet nisl diam, at ultricies elit blandit eu. Nam hendrerit urna in enim ullamcorper, id pretium sem vulputate. Nullam consectetur leo augue, eget mattis metus placerat eu.