
Admonitions are specially marked topics that can appear anywhere in a document as an ordinary body element. Any text immediately following the directive indicator (on the same line or indented on following lines) is interpreted as a directive block and is parsed for normal body elements. Typically, an admonition is rendered as an offset block in a document, sometimes outlined or shaded, with a title matching the admonition type.

The following admonition directives are supported:

  • attention

  • caution

  • danger

  • error

  • hint

  • important

  • note

  • tip

  • warning

The following note admonition directive contains multiple paragraphs.

.. note:: Use a note for information you want the user to pay particular attention to.

   If note text runs over a line, make sure the lines wrap and are indented to
   the same level as the note tag. If formatting is incorrect, part of the note
   might not render in the HTML output.

   Notes can have more than one paragraph. Successive paragraphs must indent to
   the same level as the rest of the note.

It is rendered as


Use a note for information you want the user to pay particular attention to.

If note text runs over a line, make sure the lines wrap and are indented to the same level as the note tag. If formatting is incorrect, part of the note might not render in the HTML output.

Notes can have more than one paragraph. Successive paragraphs mustindent to the same level as the rest of the note.

The following warning admonition directive contains multiple paragraphs.

.. warning:: Use a warning for information the user must understand to avoid negative consequences.

   You can include any body element in the admonition such as a bulleted list.

   * First list item.
   * Second list item.

   You can also include inlie markup such as *italics*, **bold**, and ``literal``.

It is rendered as


Use a warning for information the user must understand to avoid negative consequences.

You can include any body element in the admonition such as a bulleted list.

  • First list item.

  • Second list item.

You can also include inlie markup such as italics, bold, and literal.

Generic admonitions

You can create a generic admonition with the admonition directive. The title of the admonition is specified immediately after the directive and preceded by a space.

The following generic admonition is titled “RTFM”.

.. admonition:: RTFM

   Read the funtastic manual!

It is rendered as


Read the funtastic manual!

The admonition title is used as a class attribute value after being converted into a valid identifier form (down cased, non-alphanumeric characters converted to single hyphens, and “admonition-” prefixed) as illustrated by the following document tree pseudo-XML

<document source="test data">
<admonition class="admonition-rtfm">
        You should read the funtastic manual!

You can then include the class in the admonition using the :class: specifier.